The Process Of Having Heating Oil Delivered

27 April 2021
 Categories: , Blog

Did you just move into a home that uses heating oil as its fuel source? If so, there will come a point where you need to have fuel delivered to your house. Here is how it will work to get the fuel that you need for your home.

Resetting The Meter

The heating oil delivery service will pull up to your home with their truck filled with oil. One of the first things that they are going to do is reset the meter that tells how many gallons of oil come out of the truck. This is to ensure that they can keep track of exactly how much oil they end up putting into your oil reserve tank

Connecting The Hose

Your home should have an outlet located outside your home for the heating oil supplier to use. It is easy to identify since there are two pipes that exit your home near where the heating tank is located. One of them is the supply line, and the other is for ventilation. They'll unscrew the cap and screw on the hose to it, and the pipe can put the fuel into the tank fairly quickly. 

Supplying The Fuel

When the oil supply tank turns on, you can actually hear a whistle come out of the ventilation pipe. This is known as the vent alarm, and it lets you know that it's safe for the supplier to increase the speed of the pump and start feeding fuel. The whistling will eventually stop when the tank has reached its capacity, and the supplier will shut off the fuel going into the tank. It doesn't work like a gas pump where the oil shuts off automatically, since if the oil were to keep flowing, it would come out of the ventilation pipe. 

Reading The Meter

It is now safe to disconnect the hose from your supply line and retract it back into the truck. The fuel supplier will look at the meter to tell exactly how much oil was put into your supply tank. A receipt is then generated and sent to you for future payment. Thankful, the entire process can be done without you even being home, and the receipt is often left on your door for you to see when you come home after work. 

Reach out to a heating oil supplier if you have questions about getting heating oil delivered to your home. 
