Toilet Supplies Your Janitorial Staff Should Keep In Stock

23 August 2021
 Categories: , Blog

The bathrooms of your facility can be among the areas that will experience the greatest need for janitorial services. Not surprisingly, it is important to make sure that you are keeping your janitorial staff supplied with the equipment that they will need to address the problems that your facility's toilets may suffer.

Plunger Guards

Obstructions are among the problems that your facility's toilets are the most likely to encounter at regular intervals. When this problem develops, plungers can be the most effective way of eliminating the clogs that have developed. However, they can cause splashing that may cause unsanitary water to get on the worker. The use of plunger guards is one option that you can utilize to reduce the amount of water that is able to splash on your workers as they release the clogs that have formed. These guards can be positioned across the toilet seat rim so the plunger can be used effectively while still eliminating the risk of splashback occurring.

Toilet Augers

While a plunger will be able to address many of the clogs that develop with your facility's toilets, there are some obstructions that may be too deep in the plumbing to be removed with these devices. In these situations, a toilet auger can be an effective investment to make. The devices can reach deep into the toilet's drain and connecting plumbing to break up clogs that may be blocking the flow of water. Due to the unique shape of the toilet along with the hazards of damaging the porcelain of the bowl, these augers are designed to minimize the risk of weakening the integrity of the toilet itself while still generating enough force to dislodge the clogs that have formed.

Fillers And Sealants For Exterior Damage

Unfortunately, cracks and chips can occur in your building's toilets. These weak spots in the porcelain can increase the risk of them developing leaks or otherwise needing to be replaced. Luckily, it is often possible to patch this damage to the toilets with the use of a porcelain filler and sealant. However, these patches will have to be administered fairly soon after they form. For this reason, your janitorial staff should have these supplies in storage so they can quickly get them when the damage is noticed or reported to them. Otherwise, your business may need to replace its toilets sooner, and this could be a major expense to have to pay compared to the benefits of patching the damage.

For more info, reach out to a professional who provides janitorial supplies. 
